Peanut butter

Peanuts (groundnuts, கடலை, मूँगफली) are a great source of protein and there is the added bonus of antioxidants, key vitamins and minerals. The fats in peanuts are heart healthy mono and poly unsaturated fats. Peanuts are very commonly eaten as a snack “time pass” in India. The boiled/steamed tender peanuts, roasted peanuts, masala peanuts, chikki …

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Rasam powder

உணவே மருந்து, மருந்தே உணவு (food is medicine, medicine is food) is a basic tenet of our traditional medicinal systems. In South Indian cuisine, the simple rasam (சாற்றமுது which is saaru + amudu; in vaishnava sampradayam, different dishes of the daily meal are named as different types of amudu or nectar) holds a very important place …

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Black turmeric

Has anyone heard of black turmeric? I had not. I accidentally came across this very recently and was so taken with it that it begged a separate post. Black turmeric or Curcuma Caesia is a variety with blue, almost purplish flesh in the rhizomes and is characterised by a dark crimson line in the middle of …

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A cuppa kaapi

You can take the South Indian out of South India but you cannot separate him from his filter coffee or “kaapi” as it is popularly called. A piping hot tumbler of the aromatic filter coffee is a must for the day to really begin. Served with boiling milk and sugar, the smell of the coffee …

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