You can literally use every part of the watermelon fruit. The delicious fruit pulp, the rind as well as the seeds. Today I am making a watermelon seed millet rice that is as tasty as it is nutritious. And most of all, easy to make. I have used two types of millets and amaranth along with Basmati rice as I felt it would go well with the nutty flavour of the watermelon seeds. You could make it with any combination of millets, rice or even millet vermicelli should you so desire.
Shelled and sprouted watermelon seeds are readily available in the market. But you can just as easily collect the seeds every time you eat watermelon and then dry roast them or sprout them and then roast them to get even more nutrition from the seeds. These seeds are a powerhouse of nutrients including zinc, copper, potassium, iron, magnesium as well as being rich in amino acids, proteins, vitamin B and healthy fatty acids.